윤선민 교수
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- 뇌종양, 두경부종양, 폐/식도종양, 유방암
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- 뇌종양, 두경부종양, 폐/식도종양, 유방암
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- Radiation Therapy of Synchronous Bilateral Breast Carcinoma (SBBC) Using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT), Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and 3D Conformal Radiotherapy (3DCRT ), 2017 Medical dosimetry
A Dosimetric Analysis of Inverse Planned IMRT and Multistatic Fields Techniques for Left Breast Radiotherapy, 2011 Medical Dosimetry
Multiple Myeloma with Biclonal Gammopathy Accompanied by Prostat Cancer, 2011 Korean Journal of Laboratory Medicine
A Case of Synchronous Double Primary Cancer of the Penis and Urinary Bladder, 2010 Cancer Research and Treatment
StAR and steroidogenic enzyme transcripitoinal regulation in the rat brain: effects of acute alcohol administration, 2003 Moelcular Brain Research
Comparison of Radiation Therapy Plans using 3D Conformal Radiotherapy, Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy for synchronous bilateral breast cancer, 2016 범석학술논문집
No association between genital-mucosal human papilloma virus infection and keratoacanthoma in korean patients, 2011 Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 좌측 유방 방사선치료를 위한 역치료계획의 세기변조방사선치방사선치료계획의 알고리즘 비교-Pencil beam, Collpsed cone, Monte carlo algorithm, 2015 범석학술논문집
선택적 Cox-2 억제제 NS 398과 EGF 수용체 차단제 AG 1478복합투여가 HeLa 세포주의 방사선 감수성에 미치는 영향, 2005 대한방사선종양학회지
방사선치료로 인한 통증 및 암성통증에 대한 듀로제식의 효과: 다기관임상연구,2006 대한방사선종양학회지
질환별 세기조절방사선치료의 정도관리::을지대학병원 임상결과, 2010 대한방사선종양학회지