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● Once-weekly prophylactic treatment vs. on-demand treatment with nonacog alfa in patients with moderately severe to severe haemophilia B. Kavakli K, Smith L, Kuliczkowski K, Korth-Bradley J, You CW, Fuiman J, Zupančić-Šalek S, Abdul Karim F, Rendo P Haemophilia. 2016 May;22(3):381-8. ● Effects of coagulation factor concentrate prophylaxis in moderate and severe hemophilia A patients at a single hemophilia center in Korea. Moon BS, Choi JS, You CW. Korean J Pediatr. 2013 Jul;56(7):291-7. ● The impact of haemarthropathy on the QoL of Korean severe haemophilia A patients: the critical level of haemarthropathy for the QoL. You CW. Haemophilia. 2013 Jul;19(4):637-41. ● Profiling of differentially expressed genes in haemophilia A with inhibitor. Hwang SH, Lim JA, Kim MJ, Kim HC, Lee HW, Yoo KY, You CW, Lee KS, Kim HS. Haemophilia. 2012 May;18(3):e247-53. ● Heterogeneous lengths of copy number mutations in human coagulopathy revealed by genome-wide high-density SNP array. Kim HJ, Kim DK, Yoo KY, You CW, Yoo JH, Lee KO, Park IA, Choung HS, Kim HJ, Song MJ, Kim SH. Haematologica. 2012 Feb;97(2):304-9. ● Mutation analysis of factor VIII in Korean patients with severe hemophilia A. You CW, Son HS, Kim HJ, Woo EJ, Kim SA, Baik HW Int J Hematol. 2010 Jun;91(5):784-91. ● Cost and effectiveness of treatments for mild-to-moderate bleeding episodes in haemophilia patients with inhibitors in Korea. You CW, Lee SY, Park SK Haemophilia. 2009 Jan;15(1):217-26. ● Effects of thyroxine on hyperkalemia and renal cortical Na+, K+ - ATPase activity induced by cyclosporin A. You CW, Park YH, Lee ES, Kim YJ, Shin SM, Park MO. J Korean Med Sci. 2002 Oct;17(5):625-32. ● 특발성혈소판감소성자반증환아에서 초기치료로 고용량 덱사메타손의 효과. 유철우. 대한혈액학회지2009.03 ● 소아의 수술전 혈액응고 선별검사의 의의. 유철우. 대한혈액학회지 2008.06 ● 급성 감염성질환을 가진 영유아에서 철결핖 진단 지표로서 망상적혈구 색소량. 김존수, 유철우 대한소아과학회지 2007.01