We are continuously working for improving the quality of life of patients through accurate diagnosis and proven treatment methods.
It is a field that emphasizes accuracy and precision in order to harmonize and balance the mysteries of the human body by researching, preserving, restoring, and developing the shape and function of limbs, spine and its associated organs through the use of medical, surgical and physical treatments. In general, orthopedic treatments include medication, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy. If symptoms persist even with such treatments, the patients will have a surgical treatment.CHOY, WON SIK Professor
KIM, HA YONG Professor
KIM, KAP JUNG Professor
LEE, SANG KI Professor
CHA, YONG HAN Professor
Baek Seung-Hyun Professor
MIN, JAE JUNG Professor
Jaeyoung Park Professor
Sang Wook, Bae. M.D. Ph.D. Professor
Song, Young Dong Professor
Yu Youngtak Professor